Sidra Capital is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. Tala is Sidra Capital’s digital investment platform. We aim to be as open and transparent as possible about the information we collect when you visit our website. This includes providing information on our use of SDKs. The details below are provided to ensure you are fully aware of the SDKs we use, to understand what SDKs are, to understand how and why we use them and, where available, how you can reject or delete them.
For further information about how Sidra Capital and Tala process personal data, please see our Privacy Notice. If you have any further queries, please contact us at [email protected].
We use SDKs on Tala’s applications to enable various types of functionalities and to better understand how people use our apps. This allows us to offer you the best possible experience. For example, the SDKs allow us to understand how users use and interact with our apps. SDKs are used in collaboration with our marketing partners to present you with appropriate offers and advertisements and to target the correct audience.
SDKs, known as Software Development Kits, encompass a selection of tools which developers commonly use to develop applications. SDKs also support the integration of third-party services such as advertising and can be used to facilitate tracking technologies. SDKs enable us to collect information about Tala’s app users and their devices.
SDKs can allow us to understand user traffic across various sections of our app, determine how frequently particular sections are visited, determine the most popular areas of our website, and make our website more user-friendly.
For example, an SDK may allow us to save your password so that you do not have to re-enter it every time you visit our app.
Some SDKs directly access stored information on a user’s device, store information on a user’s device, or overwrite information on a user’s device which is considered personal data, even if it does not lead to your direct identification. Therefore, we will process it with special care and for non-essential SDKs, only when you allow us to do so.
We have pages on the following social media platforms: X, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram. The provider of social media platforms stores technologies such as SDKs on your device when you visit and use their services. For information on how social media platforms use your personal data, please see the social media platform’s privacy notice.
We may be considered joint controllers with the social media platform for the data collected when you visit our page on social media (limited to the data we have access to). We get access to aggregated data relating to visits and activities on our pages. We use this for statistics and analytics, such as recording numbers of likes, clicks, and comments. We do not store such data, but we have access to it as long as we maintain our page on the social media platform. You can delete your data at any time, e.g., by deleting content or reactions you have published. Your data is not automatically deleted if you stop following our page.
When you first download and access our app, you will be asked to accept our Terms & Conditions (T&Cs), which includes accepting our use of SDKs. If you choose not to accept our T&Cs, you will not be able to access Tala’s application.
List of SDKs as of October 2024.
Name | Vendor | Description | Category |
Core Graphics | Apple | The Core Graphics framework is based on the Quartz advanced drawing engine. It provides low-level, lightweight 2D rendering with unmatched output fidelity. | Strictly Necessary |
Core Image | Apple | Core Image is an image processing and analysis technology that provides high performance processing for still and video images. | Strictly Necessary |
Image I/O | Apple | The Image I/O programming interface framework allows applications to read and write most image file formats. | Strictly Necessary |
Local Authentication | Apple | Authenticate users biometrically or with a passphrase they already know. | Strictly Necessary |
Lottie | Airbnb | Lottie is a mobile library for Android and iOS that natively renders vector-based animations and art in real time with minimal code. | Strictly Necessary |
FirebaseCoreExtension | An extension of FirebaseCore that supports Firebase functionalities across different Firebase SDK components. | Strictly Necessary | |
FirebaseCoreInternal | Internal components for FirebaseCore, supporting internal operations and integration between Firebase modules. | Strictly Necessary | |
FirebaseCrashlytics | Firebase’s crash reporting and analysis tool that provides detailed crash reports to help diagnose and fix issues in production apps. | Functional | |
FirebaseInstallations | Manages unique installation identifiers for Firebase services, ensuring consistent identification across different Firebase services. | Functional | |
FirebaseSessions | A session management module within Firebase, supporting analytics and engagement by tracking user sessions and interactions. | Functional | |
FittedSheets | Opensource (not identified) | A customizable bottom sheet component for iOS, similar to the native modal presentation but with more customization options. | Performance |
GoogleDataTransport | A Google library for reliable data transport across network connections, used internally within Firebase and other Google services. | Targeting / Advertising | |
Instructions | Opensource (not identified) | A framework for creating and managing in-app onboarding and user guidance, allowing for customizable coach marks. | Functional |
KeychainAccess | Opensource (kishikawa katsumi) | A library that simplifies access to the iOS Keychain, used for securely storing sensitive data like passwords and tokens. | Performance |
Localize_Swift | Opensource (not identified) | A Swift library that simplifies localization in iOS apps, supporting dynamic language switching and custom localization strings. | Strictly Necessary |
Promises | MXCl | A framework for asynchronous programming in Swift, allowing you to work with promises to handle asynchronous tasks in a more readable and structured way. | Strictly Necessary |
R.swiftResources | Opensource | A tool that helps you to manage and safely access resources in your Swift projects, generating code to access resources like images, fonts, and storyboards. | Functional |
SkeletonView | Juanpe Catalán | A library that provides a simple way to create skeleton screens (loading placeholders) for iOS apps, improving user experience while loading content. | Performance |
Accelerate | Apple | Accelerate provides high-performance, energy-efficient computation on the CPU by leveraging its vector-processing capability. | Functional |
Alamofire | Alamofire software foundation | Elegant HTTP Networking in Swift. | Functional |
CFNetwork | Apple | Access network services and handle changes in network configurations. | Functional |
CocoaLumberjack | Cocolumberjack | CocoaLumberjack is a fast & simple, yet powerful & flexible logging framework for Mac and iOS. | Functional |
Combine | Apple | The Combine framework provides a declarative Swift API for processing values over time. | Functional |
Core Foundation | Apple | Core Foundation provides fundamental software services useful to application services, application environments, and applications. | Functional |
Core Telephony | Apple | Use Core Telephony to obtain information about a user’s home cellular service provider. | Functional |
DZN Empty DataSet | Dzenbot | A drop-in UITableView/UICollectionView superclass category for showing empty datasets whenever the view has no content to display. | Functional |
FBL Promises | MLFairy | The MLFairy SDK allows you to use the MLFairy service to securely distribute CoreML models and to collect prediction inputs and outputs. | Functional |
Foundation | Apple | Provides essential data types, collections, and operating-system services to define the base layer of Functionality for your app. | Functional |
GoogleUtilities | Contains all Firebase iOS SDK source except FirebaseAnalytics, FirebasePerformance, and FirebaseML. | Functional | |
Image SlideShow | Opensource (not identified) | Image slideshow written in Swift with circular scrolling, timer, and full screen viewer. | Functional |
IQKeyboardManagerSwift | Hackiftekhar | A codeless drop-in library to prevent issues with keyboard sliding up and covering UITextField/UITextView. | Functional |
Kingfisher | Kingfisher | A powerful Swift library for downloading and caching images from the web. | Functional |
PromiseKit | Mxcl | Simplifies asynchronous programming, freeing you up to focus on more important things, resulting in clearer, more readable code. | Functional |
Quartz Core | Apple | A framework used by macOS and iOS for creating animatable scene graphics. | Functional |
SD Web Image | Sd | Provides an async image downloader with cache support. | Functional |
Security | Apple | OSLog framework for reading logs, allowing custom debugging and analysis alongside Apple tools like Instruments and Console. | Functional |
StoreKit | Apple | Supports in-app purchases and interactions with the App Store. | Functional |
SystemConfiguration | Apple | Provides facilities to load and unload launched services and modify launch dictionaries from within an app. | Functional |
UserNotifications | Apple | Communicates important information to users through notifications, even when the app is not running. | Functional |
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